«An ancient legend tells that on a very distant island there was a wonderful lighthouse whose light stopped working without knowing very well he why. Letting herself be carried away by her imagination, the protagonist will embark on a journey full of adventures where she will have to face her own emotions: he Fear, anger, joy, sadness will accompany him on his journey. Real characters mix with more imaginative ones in a colorful staging where we will discover he "The greatest treasure in the world: knowing yourself"
Ñas Theater
The Ñas Teatro Company is made up of Manolo Carretero and Paula Portilla.
With more than ten years of experience in the children and family sector, and parents of three children, we have introduced a very personal style of creating and telling stories for the little ones in the house. Our way of understanding theatre starts from the simple and artisanal to reach the heart of children without forgetting the adult who accompanies them and who was once a child too.