How is it possible to capture the monumental grandeur of the Ninth Symphony - one of the masterpieces of the classical repertoire - if, like Beethoven, the dancer does not have a complete audition? 9 embodies this challenge through a daring journey of sensations.
The Canadian dance company Cas Public welcomes an atypical performer in this show, Cai Glover. A professional dancer with a cochlear implant. Choreographer Hélène Blackburn has taken the unusual step of using the dancer's disability as a starting point for her new creation. Perceiving, experiencing, understanding... Our senses allow us to learn from the world around us.
«Deafening beauty (…) Open your eyes and ears wide, and enjoy this spectacle that you should perhaps see nine times in a row, as the title itself indicates.»
The News Blade
Show included in the Dansa Metropolitana Festival.
Cia. Cas Public