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Shadows, objects, bodies, stories... Many of us, many of us, keep in our memory that living image, the first story or the characters that we cannot erase. So many elements that make up the journey that theater provides us. In many cases, we were still children, and we watched with our eyes wide open, sitting next to an adult in the darkness of the room. Most of us were not trying to understand –as we did later–, but dive in in what was before us, liveTherefore, a complete experience. What more can we ask from art?
Returning to the theater is always reliving that unique, precious experience; And perhaps there is no way to go to the theater other than through that childhood gaze capable of still asking all the questions.
Theater not only surprises us and teaches us to live, to grow or to do so with a little less fear; It helps many of us feel closer to those around us. Laughter, applause or crying are languages that unite us, that allow us to touch the other. Stories help us understand who we are, what we want, where we are; Living them together with others, at the moment they happen – this continuous present is the magic of theater – also gives us the idea that we are not alone.
Let's take the girls and boys around us to the theater; Let's allow them to feel part of this group of crazy men and women who enjoy themselves in the darkness of the stalls. And let's go to the theater with them; Let us allow ourselves to be children again, as we were, as we are and will continue to be...
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